Ah this fine country of America; what is to become of it? If you all have not heard, we are fighting a war over in the Middle East protecting the freedom of Americans; fighting for the good arrogant will of our nation. Exactly what freedoms are we protecting? Well, who knows. I forgot, let me get back to you on that. I would venture to believe that we are actually LOSING freedoms with this war on Iraq, although that would depend on your perspective. If trampling on privacy rights for the good of the objectives of our fearless leader is not an encroachment to your rights, I suppose nothing is wrong.
Fundamentally, the problem lies in the way America has evolved through the years. If you take a look at the CIA factbook you will see that the United States of America is a Federal Republic with strong democratic roots (so handsomely interjected, by the way), it does not say that it is a democracy purely, it states REPUBLIC.
Funny how people can actually believe the more taxes will make government programs more effective. Little do most Americans know that the 16th Amendment that was passed in 1913, was the essential green light to impose taxes although income taxes were not fully instituted until about 1945. Now that sixty one years has flown by since the imposition of this taxation, and this country is headed for a time bomb just as soon as the baby boomers start to come of age. This government makes promises that is not keeping with Social Security, robbing the livelihood of its citizens to pay for mindless endeavors that go no where and achieve nothing; yes, similar to the war in Iraq.