Tuesday, June 08, 2010

United States Debt

Clicking on to Drudge today, I see that the United States is topping about 95% of GDP in debt. 95%! The irresponsible behavior of our elected officials is literally spending any savings we may have, taking out loans, and maxing out every credit card. At what point is anyone going to get serious about America's checkbook and realize that no matter how many welfare recipients we have, how much of a safety cushion some people need to sit at home and collect their benefits? When are the American public going to wake up?

I found this except on CNN of all places.

Cafferty rightly states the condition of our debt levels and uses a stern tone to describe our current situation. Rightly so, and I applaud someone on CNN, of all places, putting our debt situation in important terms.

How did we get to this point? May I venture to say entitlements, transfer payments, fighting two wars, we are in the middle of a recession, a harsh regulatory business environment, and we are on the precipice of sky rocketing taxes, et al.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is only so much that a government can squeeze out of the economy, no matter how they rationalize taking your money. At some point, our government will run out of other people's money to spend. But the more important indicator in this whole mess is the government's brazen attacks on the people of this country vis a vis economic freedom. Does the government really have the power to function like an oligarchy to take control in the name of doing what is right or what they feel is, "good," for the American people? Or should the people decide how they are going to resolve their own situation and allow this hardship to pass?

This country is on the brink of answering this question. We will either walk down the road of completely blatant socialism; which will destroy hundreds of years of work and run afoul of our founding principles or some bold person will stand up and dismantle the alter of government that it has set for itself...

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