Monday, November 22, 2010

Zionist Extremism

Zionism is described as follows by the Jews against Zionism website: "it is a movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel. The name of 'Zionism' comes from the hill Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was situated. Supporters of this movement are called 'Zionists'.

The purpose of this website (Jews Against Zionism) is to explain why traditional Jews do not support Zionism (the return to the land called "Israel") and why the Zionist ideology is totally contrary to traditional Jewish law and beliefs and the teachings of the Holy Torah.

Here is a good explanation of Zionism:

Jews, Christians and Muslims against Zionism:

Seems provocative, does it not? The truth is that it isn't provocative to suggest that Jews in Israel are a part of the world community and they need to start acting like it. They have disenfranchised Palestinian Muslims and Christians alike. There are also videos all over YouTube of Hasidic Zionist Jews harassing Christians and Muslims. This may be hard to hear or read, but think about it; does a religion of tolerance truly teach people to do this? Unfortunately, I think that some Jews in Israel have fallen for the Zionist ideology then treat their neighbors horribly.

Jews have had a tough history, this is true. The UN acknowledges Israel as a country, yes. But, at what point do people in the world community recognize what Israel does to its neighbors? There is simply no excuse for murder, destruction and enslavement no matter what people may be the perpetrator or the victim. Extremism must be stopped and the Zionists in Israel need to stop their recklessness.

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